"Rabid dogs have taken over the world and are biting everyone insight!The human race is in danger this is the scariest thing everrrr!!!"

"... B**** please, I've played Amnesia!"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My English Project/Watercolor Fail.

So, for English class we had this project to read a book of our choice over Christmas vacation then pick from a list that was given to us of projects to do on that book. I chose a novel by Carrie Ryan called 'The Forest of Hands and Teeth'

I chose project number was 36 and this is the description, 'Draw a protrait of the main character of your book, has to be larger than printer paper and you must use color!'

So, I watercolored a protrait of the main character, Mary :). Here it is~

 Dunkin' Donuts giftcard anyone? Still has $10 on it >D

 ............ I'm messy xD

The sea salt is for some cool effects on the trees. Yes, those are zombies poking through the fence xD

I used watercolors for this like I already mentioned, it took me about four days :). It's my second time using watercolor.. The part I had most trouble with was the hair, there are some areas that I too blotchy for my liking. IMO it looks better in real life >.<;;. My favorite part is the grass :)


Book description coming later, and by later I mean never xD you can use google. But I totally reccommend it it's a great and elegantly written novel :).


  1. :0 simply amazing! You best get an A++++

  2. O.o


    I want !!! *makes grabby hands* Pllleaseeeeee :D Come onnn, its sooo prettehh ! xD

    And yes, messy is one way to put it ;)

  3. Thanks Sun! *blush*. I'll tell you what grade I get once I hand it in :).

  4. Blaz, xDD hahaha I'll draw you something someday if you want. I haven't really been in the artistic mood lately so it felt really good to do this project<3 thanks~

  5. YOU HASTA DRAW MEH SOMEFINK TOOOOOOO xD i luff it jilleehh <3 it looks pretty freakin sweet. your really good. most kids (ive noticed back home) dont have skillz like that xD not at your age anywhoo. xD

  6. LOL Kelle I already drew you something loser! ; A ; hehehehehe. I'll draw you somethign else. You and Blair will have to tell me on the chat what you guys want :). Thank you bunchkin<3

  7. Hehe ok Sun I'll draw you something too~

  8. *gasps* You did that?! Heck, draw me something while you're at it -- what an artist!! :D That's amazing.....
